Friday, February 8, 2008

Presidential Election (February Update)

Everyone so much has happened.

Mitt Romney has dropped out of the race, leaving only Mike Huckabee and John McCain as contenders.

The media has been sabotaging Mike Huckabee this whole race. Every attempt they get they say he can't win. He's not a factor. He only has evangelicals. So on and so forth. THIS RACE IS NOT OVER!

McCain has ~700 delegates right now. He needs almost 1200 to get the nomination. There are 1199 delegates still up for grabs. To seal this he needs 40% of the remaining delegates. Now mind you that these delegates are not assigned proportionally. Even in states that are not Winner Take all statewide, some are Winner take all by precinct. In states like that, even a small margin of victory can give you the overwhelming number of delegates. We've seen that in earlier states where winning by a few point might give you a 30 to 5 delegate advantage.

For Huckabee to seal the deal he would have to win 80% of the remaining delegates. This is doable, but HE DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THAT. HE ONLY NEEDS TO WIN 60%+ to force a convention vote that would causes the Romney and other delegates to have to make a choice. MOST OF THESE DELEGATES WOULD GO TO HUCKABEE BARRING ANY INTERFERENCE FROM ROMNEY TELLING THEM TO DO SOMETHING ELSE.

It is easy, very easy for a conservative like Huckabee, no longer splitting the vote with Romney get to more than 60% of the remaining delegates. If he gets 75% or so, I think he has an almost even chance of picking up enough of Romney's delegates to win. Getting 75% of the vote would be hard, but with these winner take all precincts, getting 75% of the delegates is VERY doable!!!!

Let's be reminded of who McCain is. He is the man that called the leaders of the Christian Coalition within the party "agents of intolerance" and went on to call us "evil" influence on the Republican party. EVIL!!!! McCain believe us Christians who want a voice in the party are evil!

He supports embryonic stem-cell research which fundamentally is just another form of abortion/murder. He does not support defining marriage as between a man and a woman, which I guess is in line with his view that we are "agents of intolerance". He tried to give amnesty in the last immigration bill (McCain-Kennedy), before building a fence. He is co-author of the McCain-Feingold bill to restrict political free speech.

Some have said that he has explicitly stated he would not support justices like Alito, although there may not be enough evidence to confirm that. Considering that he views us Christians as EVIL I can imagine that he would not nominate an Alito or Thompson to the court.

There is a concerted effort by the media to end this race now, to discourage voters. Scott Rasmussen has even gone so far as to end his polling on the republican side to sabotage Mike Huckabee, or so it appears:

What can you do?

Mike Huckabee has been running on a shoe-string budget. He needs contributions to get the 70% of the remaining delegates he'll need to win at convention by winning over Romney's delegates.

Contribute Here:

God has given us a great opportunity to influence our party. Do we want another Republican who is not socially conservative, someone like Reagan or Bush Sr. who gave us a record of 3 out of 5 Supreme Court Justices that support Roe vs Wade? McCain would probably give us all bad judges. We need a true social conservative and that man is Mike Huckabee.

Go to his website at to see where he stands on the issues (click the issues link).

ACTION ALERT!!!! - Scott Rasmussen Sabotages Us

Scott Rasmussen has decided to stop polling the Republican race.

This is an direct attempt at sabotage!!  I called them and asked why, and they basically told me the race was over and it was their decision to make.  The tone of the conversation made it clear that they have no intentions of changing their minds on this.

This poll is extremely important.  I'm speaking only as an individual Huckabee supporter, but I believe we need to go into action on this.  Let me explain why this appears to be deliberate first.

When the race was between 3 men, with McCain way ahead, he still polled on both Wednesday and Thursday.  Even though the conservative vote was still split between Huckabee and Romney, he still polled!  With the conservative vote split between those two, it was practically IMPOSSIBLE for Huckabee or Romney to win.  Yet he still polled!

Now that Romney is out, it is now VERY POSSIBLE for Huckabee to win taking the conservative vote, and it is now that he decides to stop polling saying the race is over.  Huckabee could easily win almost all of the remaining states, because THE CONSERVATIVE VOTE CAN NOW BE UNITED.

If he had decided to stop polling immediately after Tuesday's results were known, maybe his decision could be regarded as misguided but genuine.  Since he continued polling, this decision can only be regarded as a deceptive attempt at sabotage.

What can we do?  We need to get this in front of the media and hammer and hammer and hammer it until the story gets picked up and some political pressure causes Scott to change his mind.

  • Write in to every news show you know, telling them Scott and much of the other media is trying to sabotage the race and end it early.
  • This one is Huge, because it can't be into EVERY RADIO TALK SHOW you can and voice the message before they can cut you off.
  • Contact the Huckabee campaign and advise that they address this issue as well in the media.
  • And finally (and probably least effectively, but still worth the time) send email to Scott Rasmussen, and call (732)776-9777.
  • Lets get this out to every huckabee meetup, or forum group we can.

Let's stop this concerted attempt by the establishment to have an abortion of this election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!