Thursday, December 20, 2007

How you, yes you, Contribute to Abortion in America

I have just been stunned with information I was not aware of.

There is a market out there for murdered baby parts and they are used to make things we take for granted. We create the market for these baby slaughterhouses.

So who are we accomplices to in the perpetration of these crimes against humanity?

The vaccination manufacturers.

The following vaccines use murdered babies to be created:

rabies, some mumps, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis a, smallpox (some), ipv. One of the single measles vaccines is further attenuated in diploid cells

This can be seen in the package inserts - referred to as diploid cells

Lord forgive us for providing this market for murderers. These babies are being murdered and then their parts are being sold at a profit. Of course the parts from more mature babies, even of viable age demand a much higher premium.

Lord bring us to repentance. I know now. My family will not be taking ANY vaccines that are generated from murdered children taken from their mother's womb.

For more information:

Romney's Character (A Willingness to Lie)

A person's character is shown when they are challenged. When they can't keep the face mask on, what person really comes out?

Many of us have questioned Romney's authenticity in his pro-life stances for several reasons:
  • He's flip flopped
  • In the time he claims to have been pro-choice only because the state was and he wanted to enforce the law, he was also going to and contributing to a pro-abortion organization, which now he claims he doesn't recall the donation his wife gave from their JOINT account?
  • His zeal is just as strong now as it was when he was supporting gay rights and pro-choice. If he had sounded disengenuous before and now he sounds sincere, that would be comforting. The problem is that he delivered his pro-gay pro-abortion message with an equal amount of passion, conviction and promises as he does when he delivers the exact opposite message now.
Now he has made clear his willingness to twist the truth, for political gain. Newsweek uncovers his deceptions in this article. This shows intentional deceptions, false news article quotes. It is pretty bad. So if Romney is comfortable giving false news article quotes in a TV ad, can we trust anything he says?

When he has stood firm against everything we believe, can we now believe he has repented when he STILL shows a willingness to lie?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mike & Me at the Houston Fundraiser

(click picture for larger image)

Huckabee 10th Amendment (Update)

Hi everyone,

The Huckabee meeting was AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!

I posed the question below verbally in many less words and gave him the paper. He seemed genuinely interested in the position I outlined and will pass it on to the legal/constitutional law team to see what they say. He told me the person it would go to, but I don't remember the name.

We both of course have a great heart for the unborn, and I believe he will do whatever he can to protect them. I believe after reviewing the legal standing of the argument below that he will adopt it, but only time will tell.

Praise the Lord for Huckabee,

Brad Reynolds

Huckabee 10th Amendment

Today I will be at a fundraising event for Mike Huckabee. I intend to ask him about an issue I've raised on the forums, his stance on the 10th amendment and abortion.

Below is the content of the question I would like to ask him, I hope the format gives me a chance to do it:

Governor Huckabee,

I'm an adamant supporter. In this tough question, I'm hoping to not only get a clarification, but hopefully to also convince you of the need to slightly alter your policy stance.

In 2006 & recently in response to Fred Thompson's criticism of your abortion positions, you have made it clear that you believe that under the current constitution, that the 10th amendment gives states the right to decide abortion....which is why you are advocating for a Human Life Amendment.

In contrast, the republican platform states:

We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation to make it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.

For clarification, the 14th amendment in section 1 says that no State shall deprive any person of life...without due process of law. In the 5th section it says something very important. Quote “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”. Close Quote.

Do you believe that the unborn are in fact persons, which by the Supreme Courts own admission would mean that the 14th amendment protects their lives?

If yes, then wouldn't that mean that your statements that abortion falls under the federalism of the 10th amendment are inaccurate, after all, the 10th amendment ONLY applies to things not addressed by the constitution. If the 14th amendment addresses and protects their lives, then the 14th amendment takes this issue out of scope of the 10th amendment.

If you agree that the unborn are persons, and that therefore the 14th amendment protects their lives, will you change your policy statements on this and repudiate the position that abortion under the current constitution falls under the 10th amendment? Will you affirm that the 14th amendment protects their lives and will you lobby for legislation clarifying that the unborn are in fact persons and that the 14th amendment protects them? Will you make this clear in the policy statements on your website and in speeches you give?

This is after all the 2008 republican platform's position.

An update should be coming later to let you know his response or whether or not I had an opportunity to ask the question.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Texas Presidential Poll

As a Texan, I'm happy to bring the news. The Huckaboom is being reflected in the latest Texas poll:

Huckabee – 29% (+13)

Giuliani – 16% (-7)

Thompson – 14% (-2)

Romney – 14% (+2)

McCain – 7% (-2)

Paul – 6% (+1)

Please do not believe that this is happening in only a few states. It's nationwide. We just can't poll all the states frequently enough to see it. Go Huckabee!

Only One Truly Pro-life Candidate

Presidential Election 2008 (December Update)

It has been about 1-month since the first email I sent out, asking everyone to support the only truly pro-life candidate (Mike Huckabee) among the top 6 republican candidates and all the democrats. In the last email Huckabee was little known and considered a long shot by some; things have changed. This hopefully will be by far a more comprehensive comparison of the candidates on their claimed pro-life stances.

After I illustrate and document that amongst those 6 candidates only one is truly pro-life, I will seek to address some of the negative distortions of Mike Huckabee's record that have been released so far.

I will not spend time on the democrat candidates, because all the democrat candidates support abortion rights, which immediately rules them out as a possible candidate. If you do not understand how a person could be a one issue voter, then please refer to this blog that explains the issue well and please view the video:

As the blog states "don't not watch this video just because you don't want to be uncomfortable. Ignorance may be bliss, but ignoring evil doesn't make it disappear." The video shows the remains of abortions performed. I believe that every person who supports a right to choose should be required to see what they are supporting, to see the babies torn in pieces. It is unthinkable to me that a person who understands that a baby in the womb is in fact a baby, a human being, a is unthinkable that they would believe that anyone should be able to choose to murder those children. If Hitler were alive today, running on a platform of killing all the Jews, yes I would be a one-issue voter, considering it a moral imperative to vote against him. The same is true for the Holocaust of our day being committed against the unborn child.

So, on the greatest moral evil of our day, I will outline below three positions held by the candidates:
  • A woman's right to choose
  • A state's right to choose (disguised as pro-life)
  • truly pro-life

So where do the candidates stand? Here:
  • A woman's right to choose (Giuliani)
  • A state's right to choose (Thompson, McCain, Romney & Paul)
  • truly pro-life (Mike Huckabee)

Now for some details on the deception of the "a state's right to choose" position. First it is cloaked in a false federalism. Federalism is the view that most of the power should reside with the states to make decisions. It is supported by the 10th amendment to the constitution that states that any powers not explicitly given to the national government is reserved for the states. I will outline several reasons why their position is not fair to federalism and is not federalism at all. Federalism is just an excuse to hide their pro-abortion agenda.

Why "a state's right to choose" is not federalism:
  1. Abortion is murder. These candidates show no disdain for the federal prohibition of murder. So why does this form of murder get special treatment as being classified as a type of murder that should not be federally prohibited. If one were to be consistent, considering they claim to be pro-life. Then they would believe that no murder should be federally prohibited or all murder should be federally prohibited.
  2. because the constitution explicitly protects this right, the right to life. The 14th amendment prohibits any state from denying ANY PERSON of his/her life without due process of law. Indeed the Supreme Court has agreed that if the baby is in fact a person, 14th amendment protections would apply to them, effectively outlawing all abortion. "A state's right to choose" can only pretend to be federalism if the candidate refuses to recognize the baby as a person.
  3. Passing an amendment would not in any way violate the constitution, it would change it to protect life. The 10th amendment would still apply and not be violated in any way. That is what the amendment process is for. And if anything is worth protecting, it is the lives of the innocent and vulnerable.

Now for the candidates and their positions:

Giuliani on Abortion

Please see the links below where Giuliani clearly articulates that he believes a woman has a right to choose to murder their baby in the womb. He even believes its OK to have the baby half-born, half-way out the womb and then crush his/her head and tear their limbs off (also known as partial birth abortion):

Thompson on Abortion

Thompson on meet the press recently was quoted the the republican platform and asked if he could run under that platform:
MR. RUSSERT: "This is the 2004 Republican Party platform, and here it is:
  • "We say the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, we endorse legislation to make it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. Our purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions."
Could you run as a candidate on that platform, promising a human life amendment banning all abortions?
MR. THOMPSON: No....I think people ought to be free at the state and local level to make decisions that even Fred Thompson disagrees with. That's what freedom is all about. And uh, I think the diversity among the states, the system of federalism we have, where power is divide between the state and federal government has served us very very well. I think that's true of abortion. I think uh, roe-vs-wade hopefully one day will be overturned and we can go back to the pre-roe-vs-wade state.
MR. RUSSERT: "Each state could make their own abortion laws?"
MR. THOMPSON: Yes. but to have an amendment compelling going back even further than pre-roe-vs-wade, a constitutional amendment to do that I do not think would be the way to go.

He goes on to characterize the pro-life movement as wanting to throw young, young girls in prison. Here is the video clip:

Romney on Abortion

Romney's position is very hard to nail down, because it appears he changes it every few days when it comes to the specifics. Buried in a section called "Confronting Threats to American Culture, Values, and Freedoms" Romney has this false federalism to espouse:

"As President, Governor Romney will promote a culture of life. Governor Romney believes that Roe v. Wade should be overturned so that the issue of abortion can be returned to the American people and their elected representatives at the state and federal level." "I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate."

Clearly the "state's right to choose" position. He also believes in allowing mothers to choose to kill their unborn children in the embryonic stage of development for stem cell research from fertility procedures. This is in stark contrast to his past position of being almost fanatically pro-choice. He zealously protects his woman's right to choose stance in the following videos. Listen to these clips of his past position:
McCain on Abortion
From McCain's own campaign website you can see that he believes in this false federalism, and wants the states to make the decision:
John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench. Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat. However, the reversal of Roe v. Wade represents only one step in the long path toward ending abortion. Once the question is returned to the states, the fight for life will be one of courage and compassion...
It should also be noted that in the past McCain staunchly opposed overturning roe-vs-wade. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, how could he say this "But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations". He re-iterates this view in less absolute terms again in the following video:

Ron Paul on Abortion
Ron Paul does not advocate a pro-life position. He believes in "a state's right to choose". I will say that he does seem extremely genuine in his personal objection to abortion as a violent act than the above candidates, but his policy stance is the same (federalistic pretense) and will be no better than what the other candidates are willing to do. In the video below, he makes his position clear stating:
"I think they [the states] should deal with this issue...I don't want the federal government to do it....You don't need a constitutional amendment."

Huckabee on Abortion

Huckabee is a true pro-life candidate, in fact it is the very reason he says he entered politics in the first place. He endorses all pro-life measures. He supports overturning Roe-vs-Wade, but not just because he claims to be a federalist. He has rightly called abortion a Holocaust:
"Sometimes we talk about why we're importing so many people in our workforce," the former Arkansas governor said. "It might be for the last 35 years, we have aborted more than a million people who would have been in our workforce had we not had the holocaust of liberalized abortion under a flawed Supreme Court ruling in 1973."
He supports an amendment to protect children federally. He supports overturning roe-vs-wade. He supports Georgia's proposed state amendment defining personhood to include unborn children. I can't think of anything pro-life he does not support. He has a history on the issue and has never wavered. His stance can be seen in the issues section of his site. Here is the link directly to the Abortion section, which by the way is very prominently displayed on his issues webpage right below "faith and politics":

If you have any confusion about the source and strength of his convictions on moral issues, this is what he had to say about a marriage amendment:
"I'm very tired of hearing people who are unwilling to change the constitution, but seem more than willing to change the holy word of God as it relates to the definition of marriage,"

Huckabee has a strong Christian moral compass and he readily claims that in fact his FAITH DOES influence his decisions, his faith defines him:
    • "My faith is my life - it defines me. My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them. For example, when it comes to the environment, I believe in being a good steward of the earth. I don't separate my faith from my personal and professional lives."

Please visit to get a lot more in-depth information about who Mike Huckabee is. Support him. He is our only choice (among the top 6 republicans and all the democrats) to end this holocaust.

Huckabee Objections (But what about...)

First let me say that the absolute premier place you should go to get the campaign's response to some of the deception about his record is to the section of his website called "Truth Squad":

There has been a LOT of attacks going out against Huckabee, a lot have been because of his Christian faith and others have not. He's been called a religious bigot because he would not respond and acknowledge Mormonism as a Christian denomination. Nevermind the fact that they believe Jesus & Satan are brothers and that we all can become gods and have our own planets. So for not responding he's called a bigot and when he responds by asking if they believe Jesus and Satan are brothers (which by the way they have on their website that they do believe), he gets called a bigot for "slurring" their religion. He just asked the question! He's called a sexist for agreeing with the baptist convention on the patriarical family. He's been called a homo-phobe for believing that homosexual behavior is a sin. Basically he's been attacked for any Godly biblical stance he has taken. But lets go on to some other issues.

But what about all the ethical violations he had as governor?
Unlike what you may have heard, the ethics commission that was formed appears to have been an attack machine in disguise. I read some of the details behind the ethics complaints, and they seem very much like political attacks. I mean we're talking about stuff like him using the fund for maintaining the house for his "personal" dry-cleaning? That's what that's for in my opinion. I mean really, I didn't research every single one, because when I started to get into the details, it was clear that it was petty political attack types of issues. I'll direct you to the Truth Squad to get the Huckabee response:

But what about the Wayne Dumond issue?
This issue also is addressed at the truth squad section of the website above. I would like to add a few details though. Mike huckabee did not pardon Dumond. He mistakenly thought Dumond should be released. Wayne Dumond before trial was hog-tied and, umm, "surgically altered". The sherriff got a hold of the remains of this procedure and publicly displayed them before flushing them down a toilet. Huckabee readily admits that wanting Wayne Dumond to be released after have served some time was a mistake (in hindsight), but Huckabee claims to have done nothing other than deny his request for clemency 4 times! It is the parole board who paroled him (a parole board full of 100% democrat appointees). At that time, they said they were not influenced by the governor to make the decision they made. Now they have changed their minds and claim that they were influenced by him. Truth Squad deals with this more in-depth.

But didn't the club for growth prove he was a tax hiking liberal/moderate?
Please read the Huckabee truth squad section on this. Truth 1% increase state/local with an actual decrease in total tax burden state/local/federal. I think several others have actually laid out an even better case for him though...providing numerical evidence:
Huckabee did what he had to do under state supreme court orders to supply needed services and a state constitution that REQUIRES a balanced budget. It's easy to not raise taxes when you can do what we do at the federal level (Spend money we don't have and leave the gift of overwhelming debt to the next generation, thanks Mom/Dad!). For more details go to the truth squad section of his website: Also, this is from the campaign site, outlining some, a few of his tax accomplishments:
As Governor of Arkansas, I pushed through the Arkansas Legislature the first major, broad-based tax cuts in state history - a $90 million tax relief package for Arkansas families. I also doubled the standard deduction to $2,000 for single taxpayers and $4,000 for those who are married. Some taxes I eliminated entirely: the marriage penalty, bracket creep caused by inflation, income tax on poor families, and capital gains on home sales. To encourage investment, I cut capital gains for both individuals and businesses. To help people better themselves, I provided tax credits for employee training and education. In total, I cut taxes and fees nearly 100 times during my ten-and-a-half years as Governor, saving the people of Arkansas almost $380 million.

But what about his soft stance on illegal immigration?
He deals very thoroughly with this in the Truth Squad section under several articles. He supported that the children of illegal immigrants who had been in Arkansa schools and had excelled academically be allowed to receive the same scholarship that other students were capable of receiving. His justification was two fold:
  • Those children never made a choice and never broke the law. If their parents put them on the back of a truck when they were a little child, it's not their fault that their parents broke the law
  • We are a better country than to punish the children for the sins of their parents.
Huckabee is very strong on stopping illegal immigration, so much so that the founder of the MinuteMan project has given Huckabee his endorsement. Huckabee's plan for dealing with illegal immigration is on the campaign website and requires all illegal immigrants to return to their country and apply for legal immigration.

But who is Huckabee, there is no way he can win, right?

When I last wrote, Huckabee was beginning to catch on and it was only showing in the rasmussen polls (which is generally 1-2 weeks ahead of the other polls). The Huckaboom is in full swing now. Huckabee is blowing away the competition in the first caucus (Iowa) 39% to Romney 17% to everyone else below that. He's taken the lead in a bunch of states (Michigan, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas and others including Giuliani's "firewall" of Florida. He has the lead nationally for three weeks now. Here are the national numbers.
Republican Candidates:

Date Giuliani Huckabee Thompson Romney McCain
12/27/07 18.00% 20.00% 11.00% 13.00% 14.00%
12/22/07 to 12/26/07 No Polling - Christmas Holiday
12/21/07 16.00% 19.00% 11.00% 15.00% 15.00%
12/20/07 13.00% 21.00% 12.00% 15.00% 15.00%
12/19/07 16.00% 22.00% 12.00% 16.00% 13.00%
12/18/07 17.00% 23.00% 13.00% 15.00% 13.00%
12/17/07 18.00% 23.00% 13.00% 15.00% 11.00%
12/16/07 19.00% 21.00% 13.00% 15.00% 12.00%
12/15/07 19.00% 22.00% 12.00% 14.00% 11.00%
12/14/07 19.00% 23.00% 11.00% 15.00% 11.00%
12/13/07 19.00% 23.00% 9.00% 15.00% 12.00%
12/12/07 20.00% 23.00% 10.00% 14.00% 8.00%
12/11/07 21.00% 22.00% 12.00% 14.00% 9.00%
12/10/07 24.00% 19.00% 11.00% 13.00% 11.00%
12/09/07 22.00% 19.00% 13.00% 13.00% 10.00%
12/08/07 20.00% 21.00% 11.00% 13.00% 11.00%
12/07/07 18.00% 22.00% 9.00% 13.00% 12.00%
12/06/07 18.00% 21.00% 11.00% 12.00% 11.00%
12/05/07 17.00% 20.00% 10.00% 13.00% 13.00%
12/04/07 18.00% 18.00% 13.00% 12.00% 14.00%


More information is available from Mike Huckabee's website. Let's not get caught in the lies; investigate. Also look at all the good things about Huckabee. He is a true fiscal, defense & social conservative. He cut taxes 94 times. Eliminated the marriage penalty. Passed covenant marriage laws. Protected the unborn.

He has a moral compass. When Katrina hit, he told state workers to not allow any unfinished paperwork to prevent anyone from being taken care of, to care for them like those people were their own family. So when the rest of the country was lamenting the pathetic response of the government at all level, Arkansa was a shining example of the opposite. For this and other accomplishments he was named one of the top 5 governor's in America.

What does Huckabee not have? He doesn't have the huge amount of money other candidates have. Would you consider giving whatever you can to help? He needs to run more ads. Get his message out. He needs money to do it. It is time for people of conviction to stand and be counted. Not to say "be clothed and well fed" and yet do nothing for the need. It's time we do something!

Support Mike Huckabee today!! Pass this on to EVERYONE you know that is a conservative. Even if you can't give, maybe someone you know can. Pass the word along.