Today I will be at a fundraising event for Mike Huckabee. I intend to ask him about an issue I've raised on the forums, his stance on the 10th amendment and abortion.
Below is the content of the question I would like to ask him, I hope the format gives me a chance to do it:
Governor Huckabee,
I'm an adamant supporter. In this tough question, I'm hoping to not only get a clarification, but hopefully to also convince you of the need to slightly alter your policy stance.
In 2006 & recently in response to Fred Thompson's criticism of your abortion positions, you have made it clear that you believe that under the current constitution, that the 10th amendment gives states the right to decide abortion....which is why you are advocating for a Human Life Amendment.
In contrast, the republican platform states:
We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and we endorse legislation to make it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.
For clarification, the 14th amendment in section 1 says that no State shall deprive any person of life...without due process of law. In the 5th section it says something very important. Quote “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”. Close Quote.
Do you believe that the unborn are in fact persons, which by the Supreme Courts own admission would mean that the 14th amendment protects their lives?
If yes, then wouldn't that mean that your statements that abortion falls under the federalism of the 10th amendment are inaccurate, after all, the 10th amendment ONLY applies to things not addressed by the constitution. If the 14th amendment addresses and protects their lives, then the 14th amendment takes this issue out of scope of the 10th amendment.
If you agree that the unborn are persons, and that therefore the 14th amendment protects their lives, will you change your policy statements on this and repudiate the position that abortion under the current constitution falls under the 10th amendment? Will you affirm that the 14th amendment protects their lives and will you lobby for legislation clarifying that the unborn are in fact persons and that the 14th amendment protects them? Will you make this clear in the policy statements on your website and in speeches you give?
This is after all the 2008 republican platform's position.
An update should be coming later to let you know his response or whether or not I had an opportunity to ask the question.